Tuesday, April 23, 2024

If it's late summer it's time to talk about pricing a corn crop standing in the field for corn silage.

Milk prices are good now, but get ready for a change.

Lots to announce at harvest season.

While injury and fatality statistics for silage harvesting and storage are not easily tabulated, few operations present more hazards.

Thank you to the parents, members and everyone else, for another great fair.

Farmers should take time to examine the five functions of management: planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.

The Class III price moved from $24.31 in April to $22.57 in May followed by $21.36 in June.

This marked the third year for the OSU Dairy Industry Study Abroad.

We are bombarded with advice from all directions. It comes first from our parents and family, and then it is spoken by friends, teachers, 4-H advisers, and other adults (like Extension educators!).

Changes loom on the horizon for both crop and dairy farms as provisions of the 2014 farm bill are implemented.