Thursday, April 18, 2024

If the book buying bug bites you as summer approaches, here are some timely titles suitable for this time of year.

Fishing records only hold for so long, before a new record is set.

You can make sure the beef buyers have a ready supply of consistent, high-quality, tasty and tender product to choose from. Several years' worth of decisions on your farm or ranch all culminate in that moment.

During the years of World War I and after, at least until the severe agricultural depression of 1921, tractor manufacturers and wannabes, as well as not a few charlatans who only hoped to sell stock in non-existent tractor companies, were thick on the ground, especially in the Midwest.

With new forages being harvested, rations are about to change.

Finding ancestors helped provide family with peace.

There are generally two ways to seed covers — in the soil and on top of the soil.

Chew on this: Animals, regardless of species, will adjust their bite size to harvest about 50% of the existing pasture height in front of them.

It is that time of the year: Weather dominates every farmer conversation and weather prospects control the thinking of every market trader.
transplanting seedlings

Whether you started seeds yourself or purchased vegetable seedlings at the store, now is the time to transplant seedlings in your garden.