Thursday, April 18, 2024
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Catch up on local news from River Valley FFA and Lorain County JVS.
Members of Western Reserve Rangers 4-H Club

Catch up on local 4-H news from Western Reserve Rangers 4-H Club, the Shining Clovers 4-H Club and the Rumbling Riders 4-H Club.
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This week's roundup includes news from the Springfield Booster Boys 4-H club.
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West Branch FFA members attend national convention.

Breeders and Feeders 4-H club had a meeting, June 25, at The Geauga County Fair Grounds School Building.

During the May meeting of the Western Reserve Rangers 4-H club, members were recognized for their participation in various events and contests.

The Chardon Breeders and Feeders 4-H Club held a meeting and potluck Nov. 19 at 1:30 p.m. in the Munson Township Hall.

On July 31, the Happy Harvesters 4-H Club created a new Cloverbud Night, run by the officers and some of the older youth.

Catch up on local 4-H news from Next Generation 4-H Club and Growing Traditions 4-H Club.

This year at the Geauga County Fair, Sew Sew Sweet 4-H club participated in the parade for the 200th-year celebration.