Thursday, April 25, 2024

Visitors to the All-American Ag Academy can take a virtual tour of a progressive dairy at the 2015 All-American Dairy Show.

Four farms will be featured on the Mercer County Country Tour Sept. 19 and Sept. 20.
raking hay

Study finds that most of the farmland in Pennsylvania is owned by nonfarmers.

Ohio Holstein summer sale averages $2,928.

HARRISBURG — Douglas Evans, DVM, owner-operator of Sunny Acres Farm of Georgetown, N.Y., is the recipient of the 2015 Obie Snider Award, the top...

The recommendations were originally developed in 1995, but had not been updated since.
Grand champion rabbit meat pen

The sale totaled $443,282.15.
reserve carcass lamb

The Stark County Fair livestock auction had another record-setting year.
Stanley bench

More than $90 a pound offered for girl's Stark County fair project, who died a month ago.

Members of the Ohio State University Weed Team are providing growers with free screenings of redroot pigweed, waterhemp and Palmer amaranth, as well as other weed species, this fall.