Concert pianist strikes note for conservation


NOVELTY, Ohio — A Cleveland-based concert pianist who has performed all over the world has preserved an oasis close to home.

Permanent protection

Jean Stell, a noted pianist, teacher and founding board member of the Rocky River Chamber Music Society, has granted Western Reserve Land Conservancy an easement that will permanently protect her 78-acre, heavily wooded plot in Ashland County.

Two years ago, Stell approached the Land Conservancy, which works to protect the scenic beauty, working lands and natural areas of northern Ohio, in an effort to learn what conservation options were available. It led to the agreement this year.

The property

The property’s mature wooded areas include elm, red oak, shagbark hickory and black cherry trees. The property provides a wide range of habitat with diverse wildlife.

The Land Conservancy was formed in 2006 by the merger of eight local land trusts. To date, the Land Conservancy has preserved more than 230 properties and more than 14,200 acres.

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