A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Feb. 12, 2009


BOWERSTON, Ohio — The Silver Spurs 4-H club met Jan. 29 at the Bowerston Public Library with 19 members present.

The club welcomed three new members — Helena Gladman, Lacey Shuss and Dani Snyder — bringing the total membership to 21.

Bylaws were reviewed and updated for 2009. Members turned in new project enrollment forms, book fees and health information forms.

Officers were elected as follows: president, Jourdan Shrontz; vice president, Lacey Shuss; secretary, Sara Shuss; treasurer, Joseph Shuss; news reporter, Emily Shuss; health officer, Austin Caswell; safety officer, Ashley Host; and recreation officer, Miranda Shrontz.

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BOARDMAN, Ohio — The Rock Solid Riders 4-H club of Mahoning County recently elected its new officers.

The president is Samantha Lawless, vice president is Logan Rodenbaugh, Jessica Richardson is the secretary, and the treasurer is Monica Ramunno.

News reporters are Alexis Morozov and Courtney Blakeman and the health and safety officers are Caitlin Morozov and Jordan Worsencroft. Club photographers are Tara Lawless and Caitlin Slattery.

Members also scheduled a fundraiser bake sale for April 25 at the Austintown Walmart.

Members will make care packages for the soldiers in the community as a service project.

The club meets on the second Tuesday of every month on South Avenue in Boardman. For more information, contact Margaret Jones at 330-509-4211.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Kangaroo Krew 4-H club met Jan. 23 to elect officers for 2009.

New officers are: Wilbur Wearer, president; Eliza Days, vice president; Melinda Wearer, secretary; Mellicent Costarella, treasurer; Anthony Costarella, news reporter; Kyle Host, health officer; Becca Beadnell, safety officer; and Frank Clubbs, recreation officer.

Club members also discussed club dues, community service projects and a bowling party.
Fair premiums and club pins were distributed.

The next meeting is at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 20 at Mechanicstown Presbyterian Church.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Carroll County Beef Club met Feb. 1 with nine members present. Club members received their project books and assigned three people to the large animal committee. The group also talked about camp counselor applications, pizza fundraiser kits and enrollment cards.

Upcoming events include Ohio Beef Management School and dairy beef weigh-in and kickoff night.

The following club members gave health or safety talks: Ryan Borland, ice tea; Matt Borland, Lyme disease; Missy Snair, tractor safety; and Brenda Snair, forklift operation safety.

The next meeting is at 5 p.m. March 1 at the Washington Township building.

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CORTLAND, Ohio — The Kinsman Kids 4-H club held a meeting Feb. 1 at the Trumbull County Extension office.

Members discussed fair dates and quality assurance training.

Cloverbuds will work on craft projects to display at the fair during the club’s regular meetings.

Members must have one trophy sponsor per family by May 1.

The next meeting is at 3 p.m. March 1 at the home of Deborah and Donny Jones.

Older members and their parents will have a clinic to show the newer members the fundamentals of raising, grooming, and showing a goat.

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