Guernsey Co. Fair sale sets record this year


OLD WASHINGTON, Ohio – The Sept. 15 Guernsey County Junior Fair market animal sale in Old Washington set a record this year, totaling $245,494.56 in sales.
United Producers in Caldwell conducted the sale, which included nearly 150 buyers, many of them first-timers.
Penned animals. Whitesides of Cambridge bought the grand champion pen of broilers exhibited by Jacob Mallet for $1,100.; the reserve champion pen, exhibited by Travis Pontius, went to Southeastern Equipment of Cambridge for $400.
Capstone Holding of Bannock bought the grand champion pen of rabbits, exhibited by Derek Kackley, for $350, and Winland Services of Salesville bought the reserve champion pen of rabbits, exhibited by Codey Winland, for $300.
Goats and lambs. Nathan Haught swept the dairy goat division with his grand champion, which Whitesides bought for $700, and his reserve champion, which NFI Interactive Logistics of Cambridge bought for $650.
The Boer goat grand champion, exhibited by James Scurlock, sold to Lloyd’s Towing of Cambridge for $700, and the reserve champion, exhibited by Sara Reed, sold to Riesbecks Food Market of Cambridge for $725.
Sales in the market lamb division were a family affair, as the grand champion was exhibited by Ethan Watson and the reserve champion was exhibited by Julie Watson. The grand champion sold to Lashley Tractor Sales of Quaker City for $617.50 and the reserve champion sold to Riesbecks Food Market for $437.50.
Cattle. Bruner Land Co. bought the grand champion market steer exhibited by Danielle Gabel for $6,425, and Deep Cut Tavern of Cambridge purchased the reserve champion exhibited by Kayla King for $2,750.
Nicholas Fowler’s grand champion dairy beef feeder sold to Heating and Cooling Products of Byesville for $1,340, and the reserve champion, exhibited by Kyle Weingart, sold to Southeastern Equipment of Cambridge for $810.
Hogs. Michael Oakley exhibited the grand champion market hog, which was purchased by Riesbecks Food Market for $2,517.50, and Raber Discount Tire of Lore City bought the reserve champion, exhibited by Alexander Pennell, for $1,282.50.

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