
Sat., October 05, 2024 at 10:00am

Kiko Auctioneers
Auction Venue

Cadiz Piedmont Rd.

Cadiz, OH


Russell T. (Rusty) Kiko, Jr., C.A.I., 330.495.0923, rustykiko@kikocompany.com; KIKO Auctioneers;

DIRECTIONS: From Cadiz & Rt. 9 take Rt. 22 west 4 miles to auction. Watch for KIKO signs.

ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE On Real Estate & Farm Equipment, LS Tractor With Loader & Backhoe

Walter & Wendy Lawlis Farm, Family Owned Over 120 Years.

SALE #1: 22.7 acres total. Like-new two-bedroom home on full basement, rebuilt 2017, 80% complete, rebuilt metal roof & sided barn in 2018 with block foundation, machinery shed, several other hay barns and cattle run-in sheds. Good woven wire fences. Mineral rights do not transfer.

SALE #2: Across the road. 5.57 acres open land, hay meadows, Rt. 22. Old Freeman Rd.

NOTE: Buildings shown by appointment or Open House on Friday, Oct. 4, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM. Drone video and photos on website.

TWO JOHN DEERE TRACTORS, 2019 CHEVY PICKUP 4X4, HAY EQUIPMENT, ETC. One-owner 2022 JD 5090 E with 520 loader, cab, MFWD, 2 remotes, 100 hrs.; one-owner 2019 JD 5090E w/ 520 loader, MFWD, cab, 520 hrs.; one-owner 2019 Chevy 4X4 pickup 4 door 2500 HD V8, gas approx. 11,000 miles, like new; Sharp 2022-23 LS model MT3 42H 4WD tractor with front loader backhoe, full cab, hydro., 98 hrs.; Enorossi G4LP UJ 4-star tedder; one-owner Vermeer VR820 8-wheel hyd. fold rake; one-owner Vermeer 504-R classic 4X5 baler, string, wide pickup, only 198 bales; JD MX 3 pt 7’ brush hog; Corn Pro 12’ livestock trailer; NH 3-beater PTO manure spreader; bale spear; Case “SC” 1941 with Woods belly mower; Killbros box; homemade round bale wagon; generator; stock tank; cattle feeder; plywood; assorted lumber; power washer; fuel cans; Stevens 22 drop block; 16 ga.; ox yoke; Old Timer wood stove; 19 bales 4X5 1st cut, inside; 30 bales 4X5 mulch hay; bedroom suite; chairs; push mower; shop vac

Absolute auction, all sells to the highest bidder on location.


Sat. Oct. 5, 2024 – 10:00 am – Real Estate Sells 10:30 am

Cadiz Piedmont Rd. (SR 22), Cadiz, OH 43907

28-Acre Farm, Good Set Of Improvements, Cadiz Twp., Harrison Co., Setup For Livestock



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