Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Around the Table

Around the Table

milk, eggs, bread

Nearly half of the people who think they have food allergies, really don’t. Instead, many people may suffer from food intolerance.
raw ground beef

Preparing starter meals at home can save you both time and money. Learn how to make more home-cooked meals with less hassle during your busy work week.
food delivery

Consumers have turned to food delivery as an alternative to eating out or shopping in a grocery store, but they should keep a food safety in mind.
maple syrup jars

Farm and Dairy infographic: Ohio is fourth in maple syrup production
Man cleaning fridge

If your home becomes flooded, it is important that you throw away any food that might have come into contact with floodwater.
golden rod with bugs

Golden rod is responsible for keeping monarch butterflies fat and fed during their migration. It is not responsible for hay fever.
Frozen chicken whole bird

A study from the U.S. Department of Agriculture reveals that individuals are putting themselves at risk of illness when they wash or rinse raw poultry.
bowl of stew

There’s a better-for-you substitution for many common recipe ingredients, from sugar and salt to eggs and meat.
chicken wings

People who enjoy spicy food, containing capsaicin, should choose milk to reduce the burn, according to Penn State researchers.
Jason Frye

Pennsylvania dairy farmers Jason Frye and Steve Turner joined American Dairy Association North East for the Pittsburgh School Food Service Summit