Thursday, April 25, 2024
All About Grazing

All About Grazing

Healthy soil

Soil testing should be the first step in your grazing management plan — it'll save you money.

Managing grazing can have a greater effect on the pasture than any other part of pasture management.
cows on pasture , dairy, farm bill,

Dan Lima discusses how to use legumes effectively and what legumes to use for the best results.

Are you getting adequate forage production from your pastures and hay fields? Are you getting maximum weight gains from your livestock with the forage...

For the grazier, winter means dealing with cold temperatures, wind chill, freezing rain and mud. These weather conditions can negatively impact livestock performance and increase the energy requirement of the animal.

Kura establishment has been characterized this way: "First year it sleeps, second year it creeps, third year it leaps."
cows eating

Now is a great time to plan and take inventory, not only of physical assets but also on the state of our feed supplies and grazing operation.

How are your pastures growing? If you are like most you would reply in terms like fast or rapid. It is the month of...
grazing cattle

Take this time of year to evaluate whether all of your planning and preparation has paid off or if you still have some work to do.
Dick Matlack sheep

OSU extension educator Clif Little discusses the factors affecting pasture rent, such as location, topography and size.