Wednesday, April 24, 2024

What does it feel like to face foot-and-mouth disease? What does it feel like to have your farm quarantined? To have an entire geographic region closed to animal movement? To lose generations of livestock genetics in the blink of an eye? To receive little compensation for dumped milk or for meat? For all we know about farming here in the United States, we know little about the terror, the frustrations, of farming in the midst of a major animal disease outbreak.

We can't push and prod and tout local foods without pushing nutrition education.

"It's time to get political." That's a headline message on the Web site of The Humane Society of the United States.

I have a "first day on the job" speech I give all new editorial department employees. After I review the company's policies, plan the training schedule, and point out the restrooms, I climb on the soapbox.

The founding fathers got it right. But I'm not talking about Madison, Hamilton or Jefferson, I'm talking about Smith, Lever, Hatch and Morrill.

On May 11, President Barack Obama declared, "I will not rest until the dream of health care reform is achieved in the United States...

The Declaration of Independence was voted the most influential document in American history. Editor Susan Crowell says perhaps it is time we dig it out for a closer study, for to understand our roots may help get us back on track as a nation for tomorrow.

"I think the thing to do is enjoy the ride while you're on it." -- Johnny Depp I had a strange dream the other night,...

As November's election nears, U.S. presidential candidates are criss-crossing the country to woo rural America, particularly Ohio.

What would happen in farms adopted PepsiCo's strategy of "performance with purpose?"