Thursday, April 18, 2024

I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many headlines about farming and food prices. “Food crisis,” declares a Washington Post editorial. “Why are global...

These days, everyone wants a say in how you manage the natural resources of your land. Your water, your soil, your manure, your air - you're bombarded from all sides with input.

We should be able to agree that animal welfare is in society's best interest, and agriculture's best interest.

Testimony before a House or Senate committee is not always the most scintillating reading. I've always marveled how legislators can stay awake during the most boring of hearings.

If we dropped Congress in the middle of a no-access zone, how quickly do you think we'd have broadband Internet access nationwide?

It's easy to get caught up in this season's crop, this summer's pasture growth or this fall's corn prices. It's not so easy to...