Thursday, April 25, 2024
French flag

The overriding issue during John Adams' presidency was the question of peace with France. Find out how the second president of the U.S. kept the peace.
treshing machine

Threshing day was the greatest day of the year for farmers in the 1930s when life was slower, harder and more neighborly.
route 66

Learn more about Route 66's history, unique construction, impact on pop culture and legacy, as well as, how it was phased out over time.
pearl harbor

The origin of Japan's conflict with the U.S. stemmed from a belief that it had a spiritual right to become equal with the imperial powers of the world.
Plymouth rock

The Plymouth colony was never large, but it played a significant role in pointing other dissenters the way to the New World.
rocky mountains

The mountain men were the pioneers of the Rocky Mountains, who came first as fur trappers, lured to the West by beavers and later by the buffalo.
apple tree

“Johnny Appleseed” entered the pages of American folklore as one of our most popular heroes. This nature boy with the pasteboard hat was named John Chapman.
kid on a train

"Orphan trains" were one of many remedies to try to unravel the plight of poverty in the cities of America in the mid-19th century and early 20th century.

By the 20th century, the passenger pigeon disappeared from the sky above and the earth below. It was extinct.

The post office created the Railway Post Office (RPO) in 1869. Learn more about the innovations that made it possible and how it evolved over time.