Saturday, April 20, 2024
Judith Sutherland

Judith Sutherland

"Summing up his years he thought of the cowboy. He had been a cowhand for many years and had made many a drive, had...

Mooreland, Indiana, was paradise for a child -- my old friend Rose and I have often said so -- small, flat, entirely knowable. When...

This past weekend was a big event, and a memorable one, for certain. The parents of my good friend Cindy celebrated 50 years of marriage, and there was a party big enough to mark it.

Every Veterans Day should be a massive event, a day of total reverence and celebration for those who have given so much for so...

Life is full of surprises, each one a chapter in the book that spices up a life. For me, one of the greatest surprises...

"In the good earth lies your richest blessing; 'tis the fortune of your life -- you'll want for naught; you'll know no sighs nor...

Columnist Judith Sutherland doesn't think any of us can comprehend what American soldiers are faced with each day.

Sutherland remembers her father and what Memorial Day means to her.

The swirling hurricane season keeps pounding away, and everyone I've talked to in recent days is concerned about friends and family living in the southeast.

"The bright sun filtered through the clouds, warming the fields of alfalfa that my father was mowing. Within a day or two it would...