Thursday, April 18, 2024

It's like this: I'm adrift in dreamland, when I'm rudely startled awake by the "Bleet-Bleet-Pounding-In-Your-Brain-Bleet-Bleet" of The Most Annoying Alarm Clock In The History Of the World (Patent Pending).

We have recently been beset by a plague of First World Problems. First World Problems are defined as issues that arise from living in an...

The initial impact of parenthood snuck up and smacked me upside the head. No one was as stunned as Mr. Wonderful and I as...

"Wherever you go, there you are."First, let me state for the record that I fully realize that you have only petty, first world problems...

It is often said that every boy should have a dog. That does sound nice. What I truly believe, however, is that every boy...

Last week I wrote of how graciously Mr. Wonderful took it when I accidentally bumped our (read: his) custom boat trailer off a post....

How is it that in the advent of modern technology, the untold wonders borne of the industrial revolution, and the joy of living in an age that has (at last!) developed a disposable toilet bowl brush, some things remain pathetically unchanged? Advanced.

On this, the occasion of my 10,000th birthday, I would like to say ... oh, OK, I'm not really 10,000 years old.

You just never think it will happen to you. Then, one day you are caught. Transfixed. A deer in the headlights. You stare in...

Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt has a license to parent.