Friday, April 19, 2024

Every game has something to teach us. If not, why play?

I was not, as a child, what you would have called a "team player." Joining things just wasn't my forte. I did not play softball, volleyball, basketball or field hockey. Imagine my surprise to wake up and find myself a bona fide soccer mom.

A Romanian tried to lodge a complaint with consumer protection officials after his girlfriend refused to marry him.

I love my kids, I love my friends' kids, and I would probably love YOUR kids. This does not mean I love ALL kids. I am full up to HERE with mean girls and bullies.

He would have been 31 years old last November - November 14 to be exact, which stands out for me, because that is my birthday, too.
mason jar

Kym Seabolt digs into society's fascination with rural decor and clothing — workwear, roosters, canning jars for every use, large-scale gardening.

Score! I just crossed something off my to-do list. I can put a black line straight through "consume entire package of M&M's before breakfast.

Seems we always find religion when we are standing on the brakes. All I could think -- and say aloud -- as we skidded, squealing tires, seat-belt constricting my heart, which seemed poised to leap out of my chest, was "oh God! Oh God! Oh God!"

‘Tis the season of wedding invitations. They rain like celebratory rice (or birdseed for the eco-minded) from the mailbox, email and social media. “Save...

The end of most seasons tends to catch me off guard. I’m minding my own business enjoying another weekend afternoon waving to friends and eating nachos, when someone mentions idly that today is the last game.