Thursday, April 25, 2024
corn harvest

The markets have been a bit under the influence lately, with some unexplained swings.

World population, U.S. farm productivity, Earl Butz and Bret Maverick: What should farmers believe?

When grain markets don't seem to matter: At the heart of it, we remain under attack because we are Americans.

Now we are taking stock of the prospective crop size and usage to try to get a feel for summer prices.
Corn planting

Planting progress drives the grain markets every spring. Marlin Clark weighs in on where grain prices currently rest and how he expects prices to evolve.

China has rejected some U.S. corn, not elevators/processors warning farmers: We will not be accepting "grain containing unapproved GMO traits, including Agrisure Viptera (MIR-162) and Duracade."

A few weeks ago I said the bottom would be put in this sick market when the trade realized that the crop production estimate...
grain barge

The three-month trade negotiation period with China comes at a bad time for farmers, as it stretches out the period of our lack of sales of soybeans into the time when new crop beans will become available out of South America.

In my grandmother Faragher's Manx household was the tradition of the "Qualtagh."The qualtagh, the first visitor to your home in the New Year, was...

USDA planting report afterglow: Unless there are amazing discrepancies from the expectations, the market spends one day reacting, then we go back to business.