Wednesday, February 19, 2025

February and March are the best two months because it is breeding season. Coyotes are busy, aggressive, and more apt to respond to the right sounds now.

How does a person go about finding out how old his barn is? Very carefully, say members of the Friends of the Ohio Barns in this week's column.

Although Deere history gives credit for the steel plow to Deere, Case, who later owned Andrus' plow company, cites Leonard Andrus and never mentions Deere.

Vegetable plants in the same family have similar characteristics. Familiarity with plant families gives gardeners keen insight to plants’ unique needs.
fall webworms

The fall webworm is native to North America and is common from Canada into Mexico. Learn why their webs are more noticeable during fall.

Storing hay in a wet year requires a lot of care.
Hay field

Determine when it is the right time to re-seed your hayfield based on your soil conditions and how you choose to manage your fields.
Stuck American ammunition wagon

World War I took a toll the on horses. Barbed wire, rapid-fire machine guns and more accurate and deadly explosive artillery were difficult to contend with.
chopping corn silage

There are two common ways to estimate tonnage, one based on plant height and the other based on estimated grain yield.
ring-billed gull

If you're seeing gulls this winter, it's probably cold, you're probably a few miles from a lake or river and there's probably an open dumpster nearby.