Thursday, January 16, 2025

“Many the morn when the mist covers the valley as I softly call, ‘Come, Boss, come, Boss,’ and the day begins with a shining...

Reading between the HSUS lines: "We'll say we'll negotiate with agriculture, but if we don't get our way, we're not going to play nice anymore."

Farm and Family Living columnist Laurie Marlatt Steeb writes about her reunion, via video tribute, with wit and wisdom of "The Beverly Hillbillies."

For the most part, coyotes live an invisible life, but in recent years they are showing themselves as bold neighborhood bullies as they adapt to city life.

We need to get ready for the coming HSUS battle. Their war chest is deep and their p.r. machine is slick. Issue 2 was a cake walk compared to what's coming.

Ohio State Extension educator Jason Hartschuh offers budgeting considerations for the 2025 milk price.
livestock protection animals

Dogs, donkeys and llamas make good livestock guardians. Read training and care tips, plus benefits, for these three livestock protection animals.

There were two different Ney companies in Canton in the late 1800s and early 1900s, both making hay tools such as barn hay forks, carriers and track.
goats on pasture

FAMACHA scoring is used to identify risk of barber pole worm infestation in small ruminants. It is an effective, easy-to-use tool everyone from backyard hobbyists to large-scale producers can use on the farm.
Looking down into a bucket of chicks being lowered for banding

Tami Gingrich discusses the value of Ohio's smallest bird of prey, the American Kestrel, and her efforts to boost its numbers.