Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Though blue is one of the most popular colors and is said to cause the body to produce calming chemicals, it is considered one...

I dreamed of fresh-smelling rain that beat waves against windows and swept slowly through fields to fill every crack before moving on to refill...

Budgeting helps guide you through your decision making process as you attempt to commit resources to the most profitable enterprises on the farm. Crops...

I'm not the most frugal of individuals, but I'm by no means a spendthrift. Either way, I have little respect for things crossing my desk that strike me as a colossal waste of energy, time and money.

Spring is just around the corner and the time to get serious about pasture and hayland planting or reseeding is here. With memories of...

It made me stand up a little taller when my dad said to me one morning in the milking parlor, “I just couldn’t farm without you. You do good work.”

Hello again, friends! Hang onto your hats! Sign-up for the 2009 Direct and Counter-Cyclical Program is still under construction. Forms have not been completed for the...

It’s been a few years, but I also remember what it’s like to come to a feedbunk, lined with cattle looking up, eagerly awaiting breakfast or supper. No doubt, you know that feeling well.

... People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) wanted to bring 3,500 1-gallon buckets of pig manure and urine to the Ohio...

Dianne Shoemaker, northeast Ohio district dairy specialist with OSU Extension, writes about the dairy "refrigerator," that includes not only the bulk forage, grain and supplement storages, but also the mixed feeds as they are delivered to the varying animal groups and how refused feed is handled.