Saturday, April 20, 2024
The Dirt on Conservation

The Dirt on Conservation

Take the time to teach the children in your life about conservation — being mindful of what we do with and to our natural resources — when they are young.

Since nutrients are one of the largest input costs on the farm, we want to make sure we are only purchasing and applying what we need.
Clardale manure pit

Being proactive in the management of livestock manure is the best defense against a pollution complaint.
barn swallows

Bird populations have been declining for decades. Fortunately, seven simple conservation practices can help turn things around and improve songbird numbers.

While we are all huddled down, surviving the cold, with little else to do, other than work and keep livestock warm and dry, start setting goals for 2019.

A nutrient management plan benefits producers of all sizes, from crop farmers to hobby farmers who apply manure and fertilizer to their gardens or pastures. 

What happens when you pull a $20 bill out of your pocket and tell a classroom of 4th graders you will give them the...
alfalfa field

Planting cover crops improves soil quality, decreases soil erosion and runoff, increases pollination, reduces soil compaction and more. 

For improvement to become a reality, you must develop a series of habits and activities that become second nature to keep you moving in the right direction.

Liming is not new science, back in 1760 George Washington was adding marl, a source of calcium carbonate, to his farmland as a way...