Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Editor:Wayne Pacelle, president of the Humane Society of The United States, brags about how he controls the Ohio Livestock Standards Care Board. Is this...

Editor: With all the current issues in Ohio today, I think back to when things were much simpler. We raised our own vegetables and knew...

Editor:After reading last week's Farm and Dairy article about HSUS and Paul Shapiro, my curiosity got the best of me and I spent a...

Editor: A cold day has come now that citizens all over Ohio can no longer express their opinions without fear of retribution from certain animal...

EditorOnce again animal owners have been sold out by Ohio leaders and the Farm Bureau. I was at the Senate hearings for SB310 --...

Editor:Many Ohioans that voted for the existence of the Livestock Care Board are puzzled. Voters were led to believe that the Care Board would...

Editor:I am writing in regards to the video that was taken at the Ohio dairy farm. The video was disturbing and wrong in so...

'The Ohio Farm Bureau is supposed to protect the interests of the farmers; instead they handed poultry, pork and beef farmers over to HSUS on a platter along with the exotic animal owners and dog breeders.'

HSUS: Previous letter writer recklessly ignored facts that don't agree with his perspective, and cited a false document that has been retracted.

Editor: "Ohio animal owners, unite"As November grows closer, all animal owners need to work as one since the deal between Gov. Ted Strickland, the Ohio...