Friday, April 19, 2024

WINONA, Ohio -- The March meeting of the Lone Rangers 4-H club was held recently at the Winona Friends Church with 25 members and...

Cattle feeders’ No. 1 concern was feed inputs. Not any more, says Mike Sands of Informa Economics. The market analyst predicts corn will not...

Complaints about nuisance geese in urban settings prompts ODNR to suggest control

Meetings set for Trumbull, Mahoning, Portage, Geauga and Ashtabula counties.

DENVER -- American sugar farmers and refiners have filed a suit to stop big corn processors from marketing high-fructose corn syrup as a natural...

Chemical use is an option for pond owners who want to control growth of algae and aquatic plants.
Corn planting

The weather has been warm, but planting progress is still behind.

Sally Putnam Chapman, the granddaughter of Earhart's husband, George Putnam, donated 492 items to the collection.

CARROLLTON, Ohio - Carroll County added a work of art to its fairgrounds this year, a mural by Scott Hagan.

State officials from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) and the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources have confirmed that environmental DNA from the invasive Asian silver carp has been found in two water samples collected from the Ohio River.