Sat., October 08, 2016 at 11:00am
Sat., October 08, 2016 at 12:00am
Salem Public Library
821 E. State St.
Salem, OH
Yep! Its fall already and Salem Public Library and Salem Parks and Recreation Department invite individuals, families, school classes, service organizations, sports teams, etc. to enter scarecrows in the GO WILD IN THE PARKS THIRD ANNUAL SCARECROW CONTEST set take place on Saturday, October 8, 2016. Entries are to be set up beginning at 11:00am for this event that is open to the public and participation is free of cost. Registration is required online at, or by calling the library for assistance, or by calling Shane at 330-332-5512. Please register no later than October 5, 2016.
Contestants can build their scarecrows at home and bring them or put them together at designated areas of library or Memorial building lawns. Any contestant in need of a frame to support their scarecrow may contact the Salem Memorial Building at 330-332-5512 prior to day of contest. This event is family-friendly so scarecrows should be hilarious, colorful, lovable and/or whimsical, but not frightening to children. Entries for the contest are one per individual, family, classroom, organization, sports team or business. Judging will follow scarecrow set up with winners announced in the Salem Memorial Building gymnasium at 1pm. Winners will receive awards! Don’t miss the fun! Enter a scarecrow, join in the fun and don’t forget to take photos!