
Thu., June 11, 2015 at 10:00am


Thu., June 11, 2015 at 11:30am

Event Venue

Nickajack Farms

2955 Manchester Ave.

North Lawrence, Ohio



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Come for one or come for all!
Nickajack Farms is proud to offer a growing number of education based programming for families on the farm. This new program is designed to teach children about agriculture, the agricultural life style and its importance in their lives through literature and adventure on the farm.

• Who: Ages 4 and up – You can drop the kids off or stay that is up to you!
• Where: Meet at Nickajack Farms Welcome Barn
• When: 10:00am – 11:30am The program is long term allowing participants to come the farm monthly in the winter spring and fall. In the summer the program will be available weekly.
Sat. January 31 Sat. April 25 Thurs. June 18 Thurs. July 9 Thurs. July 30 Thurs. August 20
Sat. February 21 Sat. May 16 Thurs. June 25 Thurs. July 16 Thurs. August 6
Sat. March 28 Thurs. June 11 Thurs. July 2 Thurs. July 23 Thurs. Aug. 13
• Cost $5 per child per session or SAVE! PASS for all sessions for $65 (3 sessions FREE!)

