Search Results for "hydrogen"
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Residents talk hazards of hydrogen at ARCH 2 public comment meeting
Residents and environmental advocates brought up concerns of hydrogen at the U.S. Department of Energy’s environmental impact statement public meeting on Jan. 16.
DOE seeks public input on ARCH 2 hydrogen hub
The U.S. Department of Energy will hold public scoping meetings for its environmental impact statement on the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub.
Pennsylvania lawmakers hold hearing on ARCH 2 hydrogen hub
Industry leaders environmentalists provided testimony on the ARCH 2 hydrogen hub at a recent Pennsylvania environmental council public hearing on June 17.
Environmental organizations ask for transparency in ARCH 2 hydrogen hub negotiations
Over 50 Appalachian environmental organizations sign a letter addressed to the U.S. Department of Energy asking for more transparency in ARCH 2 talks.
Community meeting discusses pore space leasing for regional hydrogen hub
Farmers and landowners recently attended a pore space leasing meeting in Claysville, Pennsylvania to find out how it works before ptoentially leasing their land to accommodate the new ARCH2 hub.
EPA to hold public hearing for West Virginia Class VI well primacy
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will hold a public hearing on Dec. 30 for the state of West Virginia to receive primacy to permit Class VI wells.
Environmental activists hold rally at ARCH 2 open house
Environmental activists protested the ARCH 2 hydrogen hub outside of its first open house event in southern West Virginia on. Nov. 7, 2024.
Be aware of the potential for prussic acid
There are many plants with toxicity risk to livestock, and prussic acid concerns rank as some of the most common of which to be aware.
Alternative diesel fuels the law of unintended consequences
In the U.S. quest to clean up our carbon-fueled culture, biodiesel and renewable diesel have become two new darlings of alternative fuel advocates.
Lawmakers and ARCH 2 leaders celebrate new headquarters at West Virginia University
Lawmakers and industry leaders celebrated the opening of the Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub’s new headquarters in a ribbon cutting ceremony on Aug. 21.