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Monthly Archives: February 2001

Pre-stroke personality may have a greater influence on stroke recovery than the brain injury itself.

Communication between parents and teens presents challenges for both. "Your goal as a parent should be to love and communicate," said an adolescence-development specialist.

Producer awards presented at the 2001 Ohio Pork Congress Feb. 8-9.

Ed Ballard, animal systems educator from the University of Illinois, and a host of diverse Ohio producers will speak at Ohio Forage and Grasslands Council annual conference March 2.

The 25th annual Maple Syrup Festival is March 3-4 and 10-11, from noon to 4 p.m. daily.

More than 80 percent of U.S. consumers want GM food labeled. Consumer scientist says farmers should want that, too.

A 26-year-old retired Appaloosa being kept by Mary Jo Modzeldwski of Burgettstown, Pa., ventured onto a footbridge where it had never gone before and fell through. It took a tow truck to get him out.

This six-part series on dating covers topics from meeting new people to strategies for a successful marriage.

Awards were made at the 2001 Junior Holstein Association state convention Feb. 2-4 in West Middlesex, Pa.

The GMO revolution promises a long-lasting and favorable impact on agriculture worldwide.