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Monthly Archives: January 2008

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - This year may be the worst financial year for pork producers since the 1998, said a Purdue University Extension

HARRISBURG, Pa. - A Center for Beef Excellence is being developed to support, promote and expand the beef industry in Pennsylvania The newly formed Pennsylvania Beef Task Force board of directors unanimously approved a motion to develop the center, which will be modeled after the successful Center for Dairy Excellence.

MANHATTAN, Kan. - Supplies of nitrogen fertilizers, as well as phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, are tight throughout the United States, making this the time to plan ahead, a Kansas State University

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Grains Council successfully shipped two containers totaling 44 metric tons of distiller's dried grains with solubles (DDGS) to Algeria.

PIKETON, Ohio - Cover crops, if planted at the right time and used with the proper crop rotation, can be biomass workhorses.

WOOSTER, Ohio - Raising 80 cows on 80 acres? Is that possible? It sure can be done, and done well, even.

SALEM, Ohio - A brutal civil war. Farmers forced from their land. Crowded displaced persons camps. Murder.

WEST MIDDLESEX, Pa. - High market prices for your grain. High fertilizer costs. High costs of production.

At last week's retirement open house for Jefferson County Extension Director Ken Simeral, OSU Extension retiree Joe Pittman observed, "I've always said there are good agents, there are average agents and there are those who should be working someplace else.