Tag: butter sculpture
Scenes from the 2016 Pennsylvania Farm Show
Farm and Dairy staff members are in Harrisburg right now for the 100th anniversary Pennsylvania Farm Show. Here are some of the photos from...
Pa. Farm Show butter sculpture salutes best of state’s agriculture
This year’s Pennsylvania Farm Show butter sculpture pays tribute to the 100th Pennsylvania Farm Show and the state’s agriculture industry.
Sculptors start buttering up an Ohio icon for the 2015 fair
Each year, the American Dairy Association Mideast selects an icon or theme to feature in butter that is non-political, non-controversial and reflects optimism and broad audience-appeal.
Butter sculpture highlights effort to bring milk to at-risk Pennsylvania residents
A sculpture made from nearly 1,000 pounds of butter and showcasing a fundraising campaign for an innovative food bank milk program was unveiled Jan. 8 at the Pennsylvania Farm Show.