Record set at Guernsey Co. fair sale


CAMBRIDGE, Ohio – Beautiful weather equaled a record sale at the Guernsey County Junior Fair Market Animal Sale Sept. 16.
One hundred and ninety-four buyers made purchases for a total of $235,059.01. Many were first-time buyers.
The commission generated by the sale provides funds to the junior fair sale committee and allows it to provide six college scholarships each year in the amount of $250.
Bruner Land Co. paid $4 for each of the 1,315 pounds of Kayla King’s grand champion market steer, a total of $5,260.
At $10.50 a pound, Breanna Winters’ 131-pound reserve champion market lamb brought a total of $1,375.50 on a bid from Harold Kidd.
Sarah Wells’ 265-pound grand champion market hog brought $7.25 a pound, purchased by Riesbecks’ for a total of $1,921.25.
Riesbecks’ paid $5.25 a pound for Daria Ward’s 134-pound grand champion market lamb, a total of $703.50.
Conn’s Potato Chips bid $2.25 a pound for a total of $2,857.50 for Danielle Gabel’s 1,270-pound reserve champion market steer.
Ryan Smith’s 580-pound grand champion dairy beef feeder calf brought a total of $1,363 from Cambridge Eagles on a bid of $2.35 per pound.
The 725-pound reserve champion dairy beef feeder calf showed by Justin Weingart brought in $1,268.75 from Thorn Black Funeral Home on a bid of $1.75 a pound.
Joy Padgett bid $3.10 a pound for a total of $806 for Ethan Watson’s 260-pound reserve champion market hog.
Whitesides of Cambridge paid $725 for Claire Labish’s grand champion Boer goat.
Kirstyn Archer’s reserve champion Boer goat brought $475 from Wal-Mart.
Whitesides of Cambridge paid $400 for Hannah Gregory’s grand champion dairy goat.
Braden Medical Services paid $400 for Jackie Beall’s reserve champion dairy goat.
Whitesides of Cambridge paid $500 for Codey Winland’s grand champion rabbit fryers.
Capstone Holding paid $425 for Joshua Carpenter’s reserve champion rabbit fryers.
Amanda Roberson’s grand champion poultry broilers brought $350 from Orme Hardware.
Century National Bank paid $300 for Joseph Stewart’s reserve champion poultry broilers.

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