Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Butanol could become a non-food market of as much as 400 million additional bushels of corn per year.

In this week's commentary, Editor Susan Crowell talks about paranoid eating.

Thousands of lights strung at the Calhoon farm near Butler, Ohio, cast a soft glow into the night sky.

Economist: When cattle prices are high, don't save more heifers: Sell them!

The only saving grace of the fall market is the fact that consumers are treating pork as the other red meat.

Task force develops action steps for labeling program.

Carnes was instrumental in passing legislation to strengthen environmental regulation of industrial mineral and aggregate mining in Ohio.

The rate of salmonella in raw meat and poultry dropped by 66 percent over the past six years and by 16 percent compared with 2002.

The recent outbreak of hepatitis A in Pennsylvania has raised new concerns about the safety of this supply and distribution system.

Orrville High School students are making military trucks and jeeps for their school toy project.