Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Monthly Archives: November 2002

The Stark County Land Trust is sponsoring a series of workshops to help farmers prepare applications for state farmland preservation easement grant program.

Milk producers in drought-designated counties can receive a federal payment of $31.50 per head in the USDA's Livestock Compensation Program that ends Dec. 13.

Pa. farmers have helped push some of the most stringent environmental safeguards in the nation, but a few township officials are imposing their own version of regulations and limitations on agriculture.

Crawford County man elected to Pa. Farm Bureau board during the annual meeting, where delegates also approved policies on a wide range of issues.

Members of the new Winesburg Homing Pigeon Club performed well in the highly competitive Buckeye Combine, winning the 350 mile Great Black Mountain One Bird Derby, flown from Black Mountain, N.C., and the 300 mile Ohio SBMF Race, flown from Elizabethtown, Ky.

Minnesota's turkey producers have experiences losses of $15 million per year due to avian pneumovirus.

The American Hereford Association is adding two calving ease EPDs to its performance records.

The origin of sending Christmas cards began in England.

Fly fishing experts and amateurs will also attest that it is an art, sport, craft, philosophy, literature, science and conservation all rolled into one activity.

Artificial reintroduction of wolves and other predators should not only be a concern out West, but right here in Ohio.