Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Monthly Archives: November 2002

Forty-one remaining counties will receive their personalized bronze bells.

A 2000-square-foot, O-gauge layout includes several trains running simultaneously through a four-level layout at the Cincinnati Museum Center this holiday season.

Money will be in holding beans; spring corn price break expected.

Safety valve is to produce less or increase consumer demand, says Ohio State economist Cam Thraen.

Ohio State agricultural economists continue a statewide tour of agricultural policy and outlook meetings through mid-December.

The biggest contribution agriculture makes to the U.S. economy and society isn't the availability or abundance of food in this country. Editor Susan Crowell would rather salute farmers across this country because they have put more dollars in your pocket.

Agriculture lost its voice in the recent Florida ballot issue to prohibit the use of gestation stalls for sows.

District Extension Dairy Specialist veers from her normal dairy channels this week to explore the world of cricket farming. Yep, that's right. Crickets.

What was it like to be lured by the pamphlets and the rhetoric, to head West for land, lots of land, just by homesteading it. Columnist Judith Sutherland wonders just that is a series starting in this week's column.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.