Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Monthly Archives: July 2004

Reader frustrated at school board's antics.

New crossbreeding options give farmers more choices.

"You've gotta know where you've been to know where you're going," says Ohio grain farmer Hal Tate.

USDA, criticized for not disclosing December's BSE case sooner, is now criticized for sharing inconclusive test results.

Project proves drift retardant chemicals live up to their claim.

One reader says the EPA will work for instead of with livestock groups to conduct on-farm research.

This reader says farmers helping with research to avoid lawsuits is blackmail.

Dianne Shoemaker writes about the importance of getting immunity to calves through the first colostrum.

Columnist Judith Sutherland remembers the days when walking the fence on the dairy farm in search of too-tall weeds was a fun event.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.