Saturday, May 18, 2024

Monthly Archives: June 2011

As a smaller-bodied animal, the Jerseys fit the barns better than Holsteins, and they tend to be more calm and easier on equipment and farm workers.

Specialty millers prefer non-genetically modified grains for baked goods.

With an E. coli outbreak in Germany having sickened over 2,500, afflicted 650 or so with acute kidney failure and, as of June 8,...

The last week in May, I spent three days in northern Indiana. When I left, the fields around here were still too wet to...

HARRISBURG, Pa. -- Pennsylvania's 2011 maple syrup production was a record high -- estimated at 128,000 gallons, up 137 percent from last year's production, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

I've camped, hunted and fished in some of the country's finest wild areas. Chasing caribou across the endless nothing of the Alaskan tundra was...

"Whip-poor-will! Whip-poor-will! Whip-poor-will!" The song wakes me at first light. It's why I keep the bedroom windows open.The song of the whip-poor-will is my...

All of his adult life, 32-year-old Randy has been working toward the goal of owning a farm. He and his wife bought 32 acres and built their house, hoping to later sell that land and buy his old family farm back with whatever profit they could gain.

WOOSTER, Ohio -- The Triway FFA chapter held a meeting June 3 at the Triway High School oval.The Triway FFA chapter will attending the...

BURTON, Ohio -- The Geauga Dairymen 4-H club met June 8. The club received 10 helper tickets for admittance to the Great Geauga County...