Roundup of FFA news for June 15, 2023

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JOHNSTOWN, Ohio — At the year end banquet, Northridge FFA chapter seniors were acknowledged and several students were given star awards for their dedication to the Northridge FFA Chapter.

Star award winners were Star 1st year member, Brayden Dowis; Star Greenhand, Cassie Lahrmer; Star Sophomore, Courtney BeVier; Star Junior, Madison Hoover; Star Senior, Kinsley Tuttle; and 110% Award, Olivia Bird.

State degree recipients are Darla Dorman and Madison Hoover; American degree recipient is Megan Thompson.

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BELOIT, Ohio — West Branch’s drive your tractor to school day and FFA Ag cookout was held, May 24. Twenty students were able to drive tractors to school.

Students in agriculture classes participated in the annual cookout. Students cooked breakfast for teachers and classmates. Many students helped with the preparation of many foods at the cookout.

Students and teachers enjoyed their lunch prepared by the students.

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FAYETTEVILLE, Ohio — The Fayetteville FFA chapter attended the 95th Annual Ohio FFA Convention, May 4 and 5. The chapter received a Gold Rated Chapter Award and was recognized as a Charitable Giving chapter.

Reporter Brooklyn Iles, secretary Anne Murphy and treasurer Cassidy Feldhaus received Gold Rated Officer pins. Sarah Wolfer received first place in the Agricultural Processing Proficiency Award Area for selling goat milk products through her business. Kennedy Short, as the Ohio FFA State Sentinel, was in action throughout the sessions.

Five members received State Degrees. The students are Logan Kingus, Anne Murphy, Claire Schaefer, Kadie Short and Katey Wolfer.

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MILLERSBURG, Ohio — The West Holmes FFA chapter conducted the last meeting of the year May 23. Prior to the chapter meeting, retiring officers and the incoming officer team met to discuss duties for the upcoming year.

At the end of the meeting, Andi Schuch handed out Member of the Month Certificates to Madison Ringwalt, Becca Schuch, Sarah Irwin and Alysa Pringle for their contributions to our chapter. Certificates were also given to retiring officers Becca Schuch, Sarah Irwin, Alysa Pringle and Derek Miller for their countless hours of service to the chapter.

Nineteen members of the chapter participated in the Nashville Memorial Day Parade May 29. Attendants were Casey Ogi, Garrett Fowler, Claire Drzazga, Sophia Stitizlein, Jenna Zimmerly, Maren Drzazga, Alex Pringle, Blake Patterson, Wyatt Schlauch, Colby Long, Quentin Vehrs, Laina Croskey, Taelor Patterson, John Maloney, Bree Pringle, Tyler Zimmerly, Maison Carter, Derek Miller and Wyatt Myers.

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ASHLAND, Ohio — Members of the Ashland FFA chapter traveled to Reagan Elementary School June 1 to help wrap up the school year with a farm carnival. Sage Runion, Camryn Cox, Laney McNamara, Kelsey Kaesar, Wyatt Carter, Nick Cartwright, Tanner Harpster, James Coffman, Brylynn Mottawa, Raelee Weiler and Bella Potts helped Reagan students interact with steers, sheep, a miniature horse, pygmy goats, Indian Runner ducks, tadpoles and a rabbit. Through the interactions, Reagan students learned the importance of proper animal husbandry, how to behave around an animal, and species specific facts.

In addition to the animals, students learned about pumpkins through planting pumpkin seeds with Haley McNaull, Chloe McFrederick, Keaton Christian, Noah Sobish and Elise Frazer. At the station, students learned about how to grow a pumpkin and what the “blue stuff” or chemical treatment on seeds is for in addition to proper handling technique. Not only did Reagan Students learn from this event, but members who helped, began “growing the next generation of leaders who will change the world,” by communicating their knowledge of agriculture with a younger audience.

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