Wiles trial to happen without jury


WOOSTER, Ohio – Ken and Joe Wiles and their employee, Dusty Stroud, all accused of animal cruelty, will go to trial June 19. Except now, there will be no jury.

Ken Wiles’ attorney, Russell Buzzelli, said June 11 the three defendants have waived their right to a trial by jury. That means Judge Stuart Miller will decide the trio’s fate on his own.

Their trial starts June 19 at 9 a.m. in Wooster Municipal Court.


Ken and Joe Wiles and Dusty Stroud were charged with cruelty to animals six months ago after an undercover investigation by the California-based Humane Farming Association and a raid on the farm.

Ken Wiles was charged with two counts, as was an employee, Dusty Stroud. Wiles’ son, Joe, who serves as farm manager, was charged with six counts of cruelty.

Wiles case granted June jury trial (3/22/2007)

Farmers: Look, listen and then talk (3/15/2007)

Wiles charged with animal cruelty (1/25/2007)

Farmers shouldn’t confuse concerned people with radicals (Letter, 1/11/2007)

Hog farm investigated for abuse (12/21/2006)