A roundup of 4-H news for the week of April 16, 2015:


BERLIN CENTER, Ohio — Members of the Western Reserve Rangers 4-H club made plans to march in the Berlin Township Memorial Day Parade May 24.

Clothing and fashion members are getting ready for another year. In March, the youth and parents toured the JoAnn ETC Store in Boardman, where members selected patterns, fabric and notions for their projects.

During the first sewing learnshop in April, members cut out their 4-H sewing projects under the supervision of advisers Amanda Majirsky and Kathleen Moser. Vice President Emily Smith announced that the sewing learnshops for members with clothing construction projects will begin June 9 at the home of Kathleen Moser.

Moser, a Certified 4-H Master Clothing Educator, will be traveling to both Portage and Tuscarawas counties in July to judge clothing projects and select 4-H members to participate at the Ohio State Fair.

Members Emily Smith and Remi Mika attended a recent county commissioner’s meeting in Youngstown with Janice Hanna, county 4-H director.

Safety Leader Dylan Fair gave a report on road safety. Katie Prosser and Jessie Cummings reported for the swine and hog group, Laura Jones gave information from the poultry members, Karl Reph reported on the rabbit group, Ian Hames shared discussion from the members with small projects, and Abby Schors reported for the clothing group.

Western Reserve Rangers 4-H Club will meet again May 14, at the Ellsworth Fire Hall at 7 p.m.

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SALEM, Ohio — The Goshen Good Growers 4-H Club met April 8 at the Bunker Hill church; 29 members were in attendance.

The following demonstrations were presented: Skylar Greeneisen on different cuts of meat and their quality; Jade Papic on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle; and Julie and Jennifer Phillis on milk’s journey from the cow to the milk truck. Carrie Frantz educated the members on chickens and members were able to hold baby chicks.

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STRASBURG, Ohio — The Happy Harvesters 4-H Club met March 23 at the First Lutheran Church in Strasburg.

Twenty-six members and three advisers attended the meeting.

Officers elected to the lead the club this year include: president, Cheyenne Gardner; vice president, Daniel Trifelos; secretary, Vidalia Porter; treasurer, Claire Haswell; and news reporter, Wyema Porter.

Club members also discussed possible guest speakers, county fundraisers, and special events.

Members voted to hold a special thank you breakfast for military in May of this year. Each member brought a list of people who are either veterans or are currently serving in any branch of the military to be invited to the breakfast.

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