Roundup of 4-H news for Aug. 24, 2017


CANFIELD, Ohio — The Mahoning County Junior Fair Board met to finalize plans for the 171st Canfield Fair, Aug. 30-Sept. 4.

Horse races for 4-H members will return to the fair this year, held between the harness races Sept. 1 and Sept. 2 at noon and Sept. 4 at 1 p.m. Money from this event will be donated to the new Junior Fair Complex.

Members were encouraged to sign up for the Rooster Run/Walk Sept. 3 at 8 a.m. on the fairgrounds. The entry fee is $20 which includes an event shirt and admission into the fair. Proceeds will also benefit the Junior Fair Complex.

For more information visit On-line registrations will be accepted until Sept. 1.

The popular People Movers, that run the circumference of the Canfield Fairgrounds, will run Aug. 30 and Sept. 1 from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Junior Fair Board members will be riding as guides.

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CHARDON, Ohio — The Geauga Beef and Swine 4-H club met Aug. 13, with a showmanship clinic at one of the member’s farms.

The buyers’ gifts for the Geauga County Jr. Fair Livestock Auction, Sept. 2, is completed. Members also went discussed barn decorations for the week of fair, and reviewed beef, swine and turkey information that the members needed for fair.

The club painted the pig boards and lettered them. The club is making snack bags for members on show day. The next meeting is Aug. 27, to set up the barn for fair.

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