Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Get all the information on the latest USDA program extensions.

Hello friends, Weather patterns these days are as unpredictable as the presidential election. Just when you think it is settling down, all of a sudden...
CRP buffer

Hello Friends! As we wrap up a challenging summer, many farmers out there are gearing up for the fall corn and soybean harvest. Patchy summer...
Corn growing in the field. California

The Farm Bill of 2014, which wasn't passed until 2015 (I know, go figure), changed a lot about our disaster programs.
wheat field, Lake Erie, water quality,

Eligibility for FSA, NRCS and RMA Crop Insurance programs require producers to have a conservation plan in order to plant on Highly Erodible Land (HEL) and there are restrictions on planting on ground determined to be a wetland.
Wet soybeans

Call your local FSA office to report acreage and report loss.
Corn planting

"It's all in the timing" and this year, with a planting season that has not been the friendliest, there seems to be a fair split between optimism and pessimism heading into another season.

Earlier this year, FSA significantly expanded the list of commodities eligible for Farm Storage Facility Loans.
Corn planting

Call your FSA office ahead of your visit to set an appointment and to discuss any records or documentation that you may need for your appointment.
Corn planting

Planting progress continues across Ohio, and key dates are drawing near.