Wednesday, May 1, 2024

March is certainly being March, at least in my area, where there is great bluster with huffing and puffing and white-outs one minute, benign sunshine the next.

Yes! Yes! Yes, I did go horseback riding — not on my exact 87th birthday but 10 days into my 88th year! I know this...

If there is one thing that will get you off your duff, whether or not you feel like it, it is the impending arrival...

How do we know when it is time? For weeks, I've ached when Ori winces as he eases himself down on his bed.

A dear young friend -- she is 45 and to me that is young! -- and I were discussing the upcoming holiday weekend and...

Just at twilight, the doe and her fawn tiptoe up the back fence line, their ears alert to any move I might make as...