Wednesday, May 1, 2024

These 8-1/2 acres I have managed to save from almost wall-to-wall development represent such a small refuge, but refuge it is, and I constantly...

Have you listened lately to your house, especially if it is an old house? Over the years you've learned to identify its creaks and cracks, its rattles and bangs, without becoming alarmed. You also know its smells, not just from the kitchen, and if a skunk is passing through.

Now the foaming white froth of the perfumed locust blossoms has been spent and honeysuckle has taken over the scent waves. The erratic spring...

Could be you're tired of reading about the mundane happenings on this quiet island, and so I'm calling on my mother to rescue you.

To paraphrase the famous lines from Robert Burns' To a Mouse poem: The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. (If...

In a box on the bottom shelf of the pie safe are my mother's columns for Farm and Dairy, dating back to 1952.She was...

In the column for the Sept. 11 edition, I wrote about all the scary storms everywhere else and hoped the other shoe would not...

Now is the time to gather up all the beautiful, humorous, thoughtful, pictorial, etc. etc. greeting cards you've received since the holiday season began.Put...

Even though Memorial Day is not quite here, this column is better enjoyed before than after the fact. I have kept a letter from Juanita...

Usually the big calendar hanging on the kitchen door is filled with all kinds of squiggles and notes about birthdays and birds and reminders...