Wednesday, May 1, 2024

With only a few weeks until Christmas, here are a few suggestions for some less familiar nature-themed holiday gifts.

Seeing red-breasted nuthatches is always a treat as they are acrobatic birds that often climb head-first down tree trunks and spiral around branches.

Red squirrels make up for what they lack in size with pure pugnacity.

Assuming you have suitable habitat with some woody cover, you can expect 12 to 20 bird species to visit feeders over the course of the winter.

As great horned owls enter their nesting period, the males will continue to woo the females over the next six to eight weeks and eventually get serious and select a nest.

Scott Shalaway ensures readers have time to consider some of this fall's new nature-themed books before the holidays.

Though spiders, snakes, and bats have an undeserved image problem with the general public, they all do far more good than harm.

Chilly temperatures and shorter days mean it's time to fill the bird feeders. Check out this quick review of the best foods to offer backyard birds.

There's almost always plenty of natural foods to supply the needs of winter birds. However, they can provide endless entertainment throughout the year.

Learn more about the impact the the nuts in your yard have on wildlife.