Thursday, May 2, 2024
wet field, prevented planting, weather

Large areas of the Midwest still have very little planting done. Where it is good, it is very good, but where it is bad, it is awful.
tariffs, soybeans, Ohio farm,

Since Sept. 1, 2018, American soybean exports to China have declined by 80% of the three-year annual average. It will take years to rebuild that market.
rutted wet farm field, Ohio farm, planting,

The reality of really delayed corn planting is that acres will be reduced by either prevented planting for a switch to soybeans.
USMDA, trade agreement, Canada, Mexico, U.S.

The governments of the United States, Mexico and Canada have reached an agreement to roll back metal tariffs, known as Section 232 tariffs, a move that could hasten passage of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.
beef cattle feedlot

Expanded access could increase U.S. beef and beef product exports to Japan by up to $200 million annually.
dairy beef, Holstein,

Dairy cattle continue to be a significant contributor to the commercial U.S. beef supply.
combining soybeans

The USDA has extended the deadline for farmers to certify 2018 crop production for payments through the Market Facilitation Program (MFP) to May 17.
WTO ruling, USDA, USTR, China,

A World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement panel found that China at fault with how it administers its tariff-rate quotas (TRQs) for wheat, corn, and rice.
farmer in wheat field

Giving up on news of a deal with China, the grain market is now starting to talk about delayed planting. The latest from our fearless grain commentator Marlin Clark.
census of agriculture, Ohio farm,

The just-released 2017 Census of Agriculture shows increases in small and large farms, and the continued graying of U.S. farmers.