Saturday, February 15, 2025

HARRISBURG, Pa. -- The Pennsylvania Milk Marketing Board approved a change to the formula used to calculate Pennsylvania milk dealers' over-order premium payments to...
Sen. Sherrod Brown, OFBF

Ohio Farm Bureau county leaders found themselves in the middle of a climate change debate on Capitol Hill during their annual legislative fly-in.

Vermont remains the top maple syrup-producing state in the nation, producing 40.7 percent of the United States’ maple syrup.

Cover cropping is one of the most rapidly growing soil and water conservation strategies.

WASHINGTON -- The Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Agriculture will hold joint public workshops to explore competition issues affecting the agriculture...
pigs in barn

Bipartisan legislation introduced in U.S. Senate would exempt livestock farmers from reporting routine farm emissions under CERCLA, commonly known as the Superfund Act.
Black Angus

The Beef Checkoff Enhancement Working Group has signed a memorandum of understanding detailing enhancements to the national beef checkoff. Not all stakeholders, however, are in line with the proposed changes.
sweet corn

Marlin Clark offers insight into the grain markets leading up to the release of the January USDA reports or “inventory” reports.

As planting looms, farmers need to decide whether they are planting corn, soybeans or something else, and current grain prices aren't helping.

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — American agriculture should benefit from a pending free-trade agreement between the United States and Korea, according to an expert in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences.