Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Olde Stark Antique Faire will be Feb. 8-9 at the Stark County Fairground in Canton, Ohio.

GRANVILLE, Ohio - A century farm has adapted to managed intensive grazing in order to prosper. Tom Maxwell is the owner/operator of Dry Creek Valley Farm near Granville, Ohio.

Animal ID at a glance: (Click here to see main story) Beef cattle under 18 months of age, unless they are moved interstate for shows, exhibits,...

The Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad will be running a spring schedule of Saturday and Sunday excursion trains through May.

COLUMBUS - Larry Adams, state executive director for Ohio's Farm Service Agency, is headed to Washington as the assistant deputy administrator for farm programs with the USDA.

According to St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the corn harvest is looking plentiful this year, but farmers are concerned that the demand won’t be as great as the yield.

An increase in 2008 Current Agricultural Use Value rates has many Ohio farmers wondering what happened to a program that typically helps them save a substantial amount of money on property taxes.

The U.S. Postal Service reconfigured its mail handling operations in regard to delivery of periodicals May 11, 2006.

BURBANK, Ohio - Charis Thorsell sinks into a wicker rocker on her parents' wraparound porch, tucking her guitar with the dolphins on it under her elbow.

WASHINGTON — Penn State University will receive one of 10 grants totaling more than $10 million to accelerate fundamental research in the development of...