Thursday, May 2, 2024

Janet Anderson holds Farm and Dairy in front of a Mayan temple at Tikal, Guatemala during a 14-day tour of Mayan sites.

Guy and Beth Utterback headed west to cross the Mike O’Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, also known as the Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge.

Bernice and Ronald Drozdowski and Marilyn Bednarski, of Lakewood, Ohio, recently traveled to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota.

Peggy Zimmerman, right, visited the Alamo in San Antonio with granddaughters Leighann and Christina Glass and son John Glass, before his departure to Korea.

Warren Smith, of Schaghticoke, N.Y., holds up a copy of Farm and Dairy while moose hunting at Trophy Lake in Newfoundland, Canada.

Art and Eileen Smallsreed, of Newton Falls, Ohio, brought Farm and Dairy along on a Hudson River trip in October.

Bob and Jane Morrow, of Plum, Pa., with grandson Robbie, stand on the balcony at Animal Kingdom Lodge at Disney World.

Donna Salahub, of Zanesville, Ohio, and granddaughters Abby Derwacter, 9, and Anna Derwacter, 5 visited Mt. Haleakala in Maui, Hawaii to see the sun rise at 9,740 feet elevation.

C. Mark Bailey of Smithville, W.Va. brought Farm and Dairy along when he visited Myrtle Beach, S.C. in September.

George and Cheryl Karagiorge, of Perrysburg, Ohio, recently traveled to Pella, Greece, home of Alexander The Great.