HORST TIRE SERVICE On The Farm Tire Service 2239 Waterford Rd. New Waterford, Ohio 330-846-0057 Firestone And other major brands Rim Guard Tire Ballast Skid Steer – Flotation Specialty – Rims Auto & Commercial truck tires also
LANG’S AUTOMOTIVE & TIRE SERVICE 330-325-1700 langsautorepair@gmail.com 1407 St. Rt. 44 Randolph, OH
10-20 tires mounted on split rims, came Tires
10-20 tires mounted on split rims, came off grain truck stored inside, decent tread, $75 each; (440)213-7637
Dynahoe 160 loader backhoe, Detroit Machinery and Equipment
Dynahoe 160 loader backhoe, Detroit diesel, 2WD, good farm machine, $5,000 OBO; pics video on Facebook marketplace, Garrettsville, (216)215-2855
2 600 gallon flat top dairy tanks; Maple Syrup Equipment
2 600 gallon flat top dairy tanks; Seprotec RO 2 8-inch Mark One membranes, valve panel and wash tank; SIHI vaccuum pump, 3 hp; 5 vein pumps and extra motors; 2-inch Honda pump; 450 gal pickup tank; 1,500 gal poly tank; blue 5-gallon containers; 2 releasers; (330)301-0189
For sale 2019 Elmers Manufacturing Machinery and Equipment
For sale 2019 Elmers Manufacturing Wolverine, build your waterways and surface drains on your farm today, cuts a 5-ft. flat bottom ditch, replaces a pan and dozer, makes construction a one man operation, sold with gps controllers and all equipment to get you on the job immediately, priced at $65,000; for pictures and more info
For sale 2021 JD 450M round baler, both Machinery and Equipment
For sale 2021 JD 450M round baler, both twine and net wrap, mega wide pickup, pto 540, silage special, only 1,000 bales, $40,000; Jamestown, Pa (724)813-7011
For sale Hesston Model 3986 14 wheel Machinery and Equipment
For sale Hesston Model 3986 14 wheel hay rake with kicker wheels; Shiloh, Ohio (419)896-3810
Gleaner 6-row 30-in. corn header, late Machinery and Equipment
Gleaner 6-row 30-in. corn header, late model, shedded, delivery/ financing available, $6,900; (330)760-5736
International 1460 combine, low hrs, Machinery and Equipment
International 1460 combine, low hrs, shedded, good paint and tires, $6,000; 20-ft. grain platform, $1,300; delivery/ financing available; (330)760-5736