Katahdin ewes, herd reduction, up to Sheep
Katahdin ewes, herd reduction, up to 15, eligible to register, closed flock, $300 each OBO; (330)359-6260, Daniel M. Yoder, 2455 CR 200, Dundee, Ohio
Wanted horned Dorset sheep, 1 male and Sheep
Wanted horned Dorset sheep, 1 male and 6 females, young enough to reproduce and begin a flock; call (412)559-8256
60 bred hair ewes, bred to Dallas Sheep
60 bred hair ewes, bred to Dallas Miller Dorper rams, due to start lambing Feb 20th, $300 each; three Dorper yearling rams, $750 each; Shelby, Ohio, Jim Sloan (419)545-5866
Dorset ewe lambs for sale, 8 born Sheep
Dorset ewe lambs for sale, 8 born January 2024, 44 born March-April 2024; 1 Dorset ram lamb for sale, born March or April 2024; been using Australian/ English genetic background rams for over 20 years; call or text Eric Rubel (740)391-2651, Belmont, Ohio