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Monthly Archives: October 2000

Ohio's agricultural community is watching the developments of a case in Darke County Common Pleas Court that could affect the way farmers do business.

Landowners across Ohio and Pennsylvania continue to voice objections to the construction of a 370-mile natural gas pipeline that could cross northern Ohio and northcentral Pennsylvania.

Partners of the Independence Pipeline Company say they've met the market condition stipulations placed on the pipeline project by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Carroll County landowners Robert and Bernice McClester are the first landowners to donate an agricultural easement to the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), ensuring their farm will not be converted to a non agricultural use.

At the close of 1998, John and Wendy Cooper made the toughest decision of their young lives: to sell their top-producing dairy herd, replacement animals, farm equipment, tractors and even the forage and feed inventory.

Farmers may have to rely on company inspectors to monitor the construction and cleanup process if the proposed Independence Pipeline is approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

After a three-year approval process, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved certificates July 12 for the Independence Pipeline Company.

For the first time in 38 years, the USDA is using a little-known authority to make cash payments directly to producers, but most would prefer loan guarantees.

The joint USDA-EPA "Unified National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations" was unveiled last week, but skeptics doubt the USDA has the funds or the manpower to make it work.

A series of public meetings across Ohio and Pennsylvania coordinated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission aired comments regarding the proposed Independence Pipeline.